Wow, one year has past since i joined this company. Some of the up's & down's during this period of time... ...
1st: Interview - Lucky to met a interviewer who is kind enough to accept me as a non-experience fresh grad and less demanding (unlike previous interviews & maybe he is in need of ppl). Once employed, i knew why, he is a person who keep "secrets" & can do things well (for himself), but not when managing ppl or giving instructions. I have to be independent & play the guessing games. And, he is not popular with his peers which sometimes made my work more difficult.
2nd: Working environment - I am involved in a new product, and is so called the "pioneer" EA. My boss is at the 4th floor, the production is at the 2nd floor and my lab is at 3rd floor. U see, i am sandwiched in between, and i have to be the middle-man to moderate their miss-understanding and fiery exchange everytime. Pressurized! Moreover, there is no one to ask or learn from regarding my product & i can only approach him.
3rd: Re-organize - Change of boss. Finally, hope came by, and i am transferred to a new boss but still the same product. Now, i start to be more active in learning things, unlike in the past, i am too dependent on "him". Now, i have a more considerate boss and willing to teach & guide you along. I am glad this changes came.
4th: Future - Since all is settled at work, is time for me to think abt my future. I need to upgrade myself if i wan to have a better life or staying in the company. What trouble me is to kick-start this and u tends to be slack after 2 yrs+ w/o studying. So i need to act fast before i completely lost the interest.
Overall, i enjoyed working in this company. My colleagues are nice and friendly, new boss is good. Even though, there is some prob here & there, nasty ppl who instruct u to do things, ppl who is "fake" and backstab u. If u are well-seasoned enough, u can dun bother abt them or even counter them. So, here i start my 2nd yrs working and may all things work well!
***Manchester United Treble Winners Celebration Pack 1999 - This is the set that i am searching for a long long time. Man Utd won the EPL championship, FA Cup & the UEFA Champions League in juz 1 season!