After my 1st week of attending night class after work, i am starting to feel the tiredness of travelling to and fro, juggling between work & study, and it is only the pre-enrol course! I wonder what will it be like if i really start my part-time study. Fortunately, one of my CoLleague is studying too, so at least got someone to ease the boredom. After 3.5 years without studying, it is difficult to suddenly recall back all the things i have learnt so far. Some fine tuning & adjustment need to be done. Nevertheless, it is a good start and at least i am not so bored anymore in my work. GO FOR IT!
***My rare collection of managers: From L-R: Ranieri (Juventus), Wenger (Arsenal), O'Neill (Aston Villa), Ferguson (Man Utd), Wenger (Arsenal), Keegan (unknown), Mourinho (unknown), Moyes (Everton).